1440-1442 Lawrence Ave W Tenants take Barney River to Court

Last week we submitted two formal complaints to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) about our landlord, Barney River’s behaviour. Here’s what we are taking them to court for:

  • illegal rent increases in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024
  • harassment and threatening behaviour
  • elevators and garbage chutes that don’t work
  • mould, leaks and broken appliances in our homes
  • bed bugs, cockroaches and mice in the building

Here’s what we’re asking the LTB to do:

  • let us pay our rent into a trust fund until Barney River fixes everything
  • give Barney River a $5000 fine per tenant for not maintaining the building
  • give us a discount on our rent for the last 12 months
  • order Barney River to fix our building

You can read the full complaints here:

Tenant Rights Complaint (T2)
Maintenance and Repairs Complaint (T6)

We need as many tenants as possible to sign onto this complaint to help us win rent reductions and the repairs we deserve. Click the link below to sign up to be a part of the T2 & T6 application. Remember to include as many details as possible, especially dates.


Hundreds of tenants at 1440-1442 Lawrence Ave W have joined the rent strike!

As of October 1, more than 100 tenants at 1440 and 1442 Lawrence Avenue West have joined what is shaping up to be the largest rent strike in Toronto's history. Their landlord, Barney River Investments, has refused to address serious repairs in the building while consistently increasing rents above rent control. 

Enough is enough!

Tenants at have four demands for their landlord Barney River Investments:

  1. Drop all previous AGI applications;
  2. Commit to applying for no more AGIs; and
  3. Immediately bring our building to a state of good repair, including but not limited to: eliminating the bed bug and cockroach infestations, maintaining the garbage chute and addressing repairs inside our units including mold, leaks, broken cupboards and floorboards etc.

In the News: 

December 18: North York tenant returns home, but fight is far from over

December 17: Lawrence Ave West apartment complex tenants stage sit-in over an alleged 'illegal' eviction of a tenant (Toronto Star)

December 17: Toronto Tenants and Police Stand off for hours following unfair eviction (BlogTO)

December 15: Tenants occupy landlord's office to resist unfair eviction (CityNews)

November 9: Revenge of the Renter (MacLeans)

October 7: Toronto's Rent Strike is growing (Jacobin)

October 2: Toronto Rent Strike (CBC As it Happens)

October 2: More tenants join the picket line to protest rent hikes (CBC Here and Now)

October 2: Why more buildings in the York South Weston neighbourhood have joined a massive rent strike (CBC Metro Morning)

October 1: Hundreds of Torontonians go on Rent Strike (CBC The National)

October 1: Nearly 500 Tenants from 5 apartment buildings no on rent strike (CTV News)

October 1: North York Tenants Join Hundreds of Tenants striking against Above Guideline Rent Increase (CBC News)

October 1: Two northwest Toronto buildings join York South-Weston Rent Strike (Global News)

October 1: Tenants at two Lawrence Ave W Buildings go on Rent Strike (Toronto Sun)

September 30: Hundreds of Tenants at Two North York Buildings Join Rent Strike (CityNews)


For Tenants

If you receive any emails, letters or phone calls from the landlord about why you didn't pay rent, don't be afraid! We are expecting this and it means we're gaining traction.

If you received an email, phone call, or notice about late payment of rent, please forward it or take a picture and send it to [email protected] so we can share with our legal team.

Make sure you save your rent, so you can repay it when the strike is over. Remember, we are stronger together and you are not alone!


For Supporters

Donate to the strike fund: go to www.tenantunion.ca/donate in support. Any contribution helps!

Stay tune through the social media accounts:
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/YSWtenants
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yswtenantunion/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yswtenants


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Rent Control Now!
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Tenant Associations

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Address: 2575 Eglinton Ave W, Toronto, ON M6M 1T3